Day Excursion

Sinharaja Rain Forest

Sinharaja is a lowland tropical rainforest of global importance showing certain affinities with the rainforests of South and North-East India, Indonesia and Malaysia. As a result of long isolation in the shelter of the central mountains of Sri Lanka, as well as being separated by oceans from other regional rainforests, Sinharaja displays high level of endemism in the composition of both its flora and fauna. As such it warrants special protection. Indeed, the bulk of Sri Lanka's remarkable bio-diversity is concentrated in rainforests such as Sinharaja, along with those of the Peak Wilderness and the Knuckles Range. 22,000 acres in extent, the Sinharaja Rainforest amounts to only 10 percent of the remaining forest cover of the wet zone of Sri Lanka. Saved from a government sponsored logging operation in the mid-1970s, the rainforest was recognized as an international Man and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978 and declared a national wilderness area in 1988. The protection of Sinharaja was further strengthened by the subsequent inclusion of the rainforest in UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites.

Sinharaja displays a unique floristic composition. By 1990, 211 species belonging to 119 genera and 43 families had been described. Around 64% - 75% of the total number of tree and liana species in the Sinharaja are known to be endemics. Additionally, of the 23 genera of plants endemic to Sri Lanka, 13 are represented in the Sinharaja. The vegetation of this rainforest can be classified from top to bottom into canopy species, sub-canopy species, under-story, treelets and shrubs, root climbers and ground herbs.

Many of the canopy giants bloom far above an observer on the forest floor. However, it is possible to see these trees in bloom from vantage points such as Sinhagala that overlook the forest. Another significant feature of the rainforest is that only a little direct sunlight reaches the forest floor in many areas. This creates a perpetual gloom, in which birds and other animals below the canopy are frequently heard long before they are seen.The forest also has a profusion of large woody climbers, rattans, and epiphytes. Among the latter are many colourful orchids most of which are endemic to the forest.The leopard is the top carnivore in the Sinharaja, but is rarely seen due to the dense nature of its rainforest habitat and the suspected low density of the leopard population.


Aerial Whale Watching

Wings over whales allow you to observe adult and young whales undisturbed in their natural habitat, with an amazing aerial perspective that you cannot enjoy from a boat. The whales will often remain on the surface for a full five minutes or more before diving. While in the air guest also enjoys close views of the giant ships that pass by, along with myriad of marine life that include sea turtles, stingrays and large pods of dolphins at play.


Temple of Tooth Relic Kandy

Sri Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a Buddhist temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy, which houses the relic of the tooth of Buddha. Since ancient times, the relic has played an important role in local politics because it is believed that whoever holds the relic holds the governance of the country. Kandy was the last capital of the Sri Lankan kings and is a UNESCO world heritage site mainly due to the temple.

Monks of the two chapters of Malwatte and Asgiriya conduct daily worship in the inner chamber of the temple. Rituals are performed three times daily: at dawn, at noon and in the evenings. On Wednesdays there is a symbolic bathing of the relic with an herbal preparation made from scented water and fragrant flowers, called Nanumura Mangallaya . This holy water is believed to contain healing powers and is distributed among those present.

The temple sustained damage from bombing by LTTE terrorists in 1998 but was fully restored each time.


Moonstone Mines (Meetiyagoda)

A moonstone is grey in colour and feels cool and smooth to the touch. When polished it has a glow like of the moon. Have you ever wondered where that pretty little moonstone on your finger actually comes from?

Moonstone's are in the semi-precious category and are an important component of the Sri Lankan gem industry. The finest are bluish in colour and are found in high concentrations in heading inland 7km to Mitiyagoda, between Ambalangoda and Hikkaduwa.

Moonstone has been mined in these sweltering forests forever and the moonstone mines, little more than muddy rabbit holes, 6m or 7m long, are fascinating as is the process of filtering out the precious stones, cutting them up and polishing them up ready for sale. At the Moonstone Factory you can see or even go down into a narrow shaft where the stones are mined.

The miners climb down a 10-metre-deep shaft on a frame made of strong coconut wood. A machine pumps out water, but all the digging is done by hand. The buckets of soil that are wound regularly to the surface yield around 50-100 rough moonstones a day, though not all of them are saleable quality. It is believed by the villagers that this piece of land, around an acre in extent, is blessed by the moon.

The visitor centre will provide information relative to the stones while the gift shop on the premises sells moonstones along with other gems like topaz, garnets, tiger eye and tourmaline.

To get there head towards Kahawa and turn inland to Meetiyagoda after which it's clearly signed.


Ambalangoda Mask Museum

This museum is designed to introduce into the richness of the mask tradition of Ambalangoda and to strengthen this cultural heritage. The museum, the workshop and the small library may serve as a centre for traditional arts and crafts and for research as well.

The Karava people (fisher community) living in the western and south western coastal area of Sri Lanka have developed a great variety of social customs. The south - west coast area, especially Ambalangoda is particularly well known for its mask plays and rituals that are performed on different occasions.


Spice Garden

Visit a spice garden at Habaradoowa which grows spices and herbs used for Sri Lankan cuisine and medication. Spices of Sri Lanka attracted the early sea faring merchants who made the long voyages to purchase this precious merchandise.

The spice trade of Ceylon which was a gold-mine to Arabic , Portuguese , Dutch & English, still in its demand for cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and mace, black pepper and turmeric. In addition to these spices, the tropical climate enables the home cultivation of many other spices, such as vanilla.


Turtle Hatchery

14 km south to Galle Where you can see several species of turtles, specially the hawksbill & Green, Leather Back, Oliver and Hawks Bill turtles. All these varieties are on the endangered list and conservationists have been working for the last three decades to save them from extinction.

Most vulnerable of all are their eggs, which are left uncovered on beaches all around the coast. The good will of those fisherman, who brings these eggs gratis to the hatchery, has led to the hatching and release of more than a Million of young turtles.


Udawalawa National park

Udawalawe National park is located approximately 138 km from Galle and is a major eco tourism destination in Sri Lanka . The 30,821 hectares dry zone game park has an annual rainfall of 1524 mm and an average temperature of 29.4 C.

It is most famous for the many elephants that live there ( about 600 in total ) In addition to this main attraction, the park is home to many Water Buffalo , Crocodiles , Water Monitor , Lizards, Sambur Deer, Jackals , Sloth Bears ,Flying Squirrels , Jungle Cats , Porcupines , Monkeys and the occasional Leopard, as well as being an exciting location for bird enthusiasts.

A 4WD open-top safari is the only way to see all the wonders that this protected reserve has to offer and experienced and knowledgeable nature guides will make this an unforgettable experience.

The Udawalawa national park was established on 30 th July 1972.It lies in the lower catchments of Udawalawa Reservoir in the country's Intermediate Lowland region. The dry land area of the Park is approximately 28910ha. The Udawalawa reservoir is situated within the park premises.

About 5 km west of the park entrance Elephant Transit Home which is a part of the Park shelter for Baby Elephants orphaned in the wild. During a visit, it is not unusual to see whole herds of adults and young elephants - feeding or bathing and playing in the water ! The Elephants are fed at 9 am , Noon , 3 pm & 6 pm , one of the best time that your camera was waiting for a great capture.


Yala National Park

Ruhunu (Yala West) National Park, or Yala as it is popularly known - is Sri Lanka's most visited national park. It is situated 168 kilometres southeast of Galle. Apart from being renowned for the variety of its wildlife, it has several distinctive physical features, such as extensive scrub jungle, patches of open country, and many tanks and lagoons. In addition, the park has a fine coastline on its eastern boundary with impressive dunes up to 25 metres high, broad sandy beaches and offshore coral reefs. Yala also features a number of scattered rock outcrops, some with caves.

Yala's vegetation mostly consists of secondary forest containing semi-arid thorn bush. Along the coast this vegetation is either stunted or prostrate. Small patches of mangrove appear along the coastal lagoons.

There are Elephants (Elephas maximus) , leopards (Panthera pardus) and the species that are more frequently seen include the Sri Lanka sloth bear (Melurus ursinus), water buffalo (Babalus bubalis), Indian wild boar (Sus scrofa), Sri Lanka spotted deer (Axis axis ceylonensis), Sri Lanka sambur (Cervus unicolour), mouse deer (Tragulus meminna), Sri Lanka black-naped hare (Lepus nogricollis singhala), toque monkey (Macaca sinica) and Sri Lanka jackal (Canis aureus lanka).

Yala is home to a variety of reptiles, such as the Sri Lanka swamp crocodile (Crocodylus palustris kimbula), which is abundant in the abandoned tanks. The Sri Lanka estuarine crocodile (C. porosus meniyanna) is to be found in and near the rivers, and the water monitor or kabaragoya (Varanus bengalensis), a Daboia russellii.

Yala is a home for hundreds of endemic & immigrant birds that makes the music of the nature & remember to feel the silkiness of a peacock feather if you may found on the ground.


Tea Factory - Handunugoda

Handunugoda has now become a world famous destination for both travelers & connoisseurs of tea. This plantation has received acclaim as the only producers of White Tea - untouched by human hands in the whole world. Their plantation & Tea centre is also a very popular landmark for visitors to Sri Lanka, who wish to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of the workings of Tea - Rubber & Cinnamon Plantations. Their specialty is personal & dedicated service to those who visit them.

Plantation managers with years of experience conduct visitors round the estate. You are treated to complementary tea at the proprietor's bungalow with a panoramic & soothing view. Bird life & wild life abounds on the plantation. It is truly an Eco sanctuary, with deep commitment to preserve the nature's bounty. If you are a visitor to Sri Lanka you are in the land of the finest tea. Handunugoda is unique. They produce teas that are not produced anywhere else in the world. There is no better gift that you can give yourself or those back at home than handunugoda tea. Their catalogue caters to every mood & temperament of the tea drinker. Teas to start you off in the morning. Afternoon teas & evening liquors. Health teas - cinnamon tea - camellia tea & tulsi te. Ginger tea, with an assortment of health benefits.

The Tour

Visitors are met & greeted at the Hibiscus garden, a riot of colours with garden seats & a fish pond. They are then conducted round the plantations by the Manager of our Tea & Tours Department. The working of the plantation & Tea & Rubber factories is clearly explained.



Under its Sanskrit name of Lanka, the island figures prominently in the epic poem known as the Ramayana, which, tradition says, was written around 2,000 years ago by the sage Valmiki. According to the story The Sri Lankan king Ravana captured the princess Sita , the wife of prince Rama was transported to his capital in Lanka by his flying machine - a peacock powered sky chariot called the dandumonara.

In this very long story Rhumassala becomes a very important fact that during the battle of Rama & Ravana to win Princess Sita.

The monkey-general Hanumaan featured in a similar episode when Rama's brother Lakshman was wounded in battle. A medicinal herb was required to save his life and Hanuman was dispatched to the Himalayas to fetch it. However, by the time he arrived he had forgotten its description, so he brought back a fragment of the Himalayas containing many herbs twisted in his tail in the hope that among them might be the correct one.

However, the mountain fragment slipped and fell while Hanuman was over Lanka, and it broke into three pieces. These landed in different locations, one of which was Ritigala, the second Hakgala and the third Rumassala.

Even today the mountain reserves many endemic trees & bushes that quite unusual to the local area and the under the thick layer of soil the whole mount is formed by granite which you can see while driving through the main road.

On the top of the mount The brilliant white Peace Pagoda & the temple of the Monkey God Hanumaan reserve the best views of the setting sun & port city of Galle.

Dress Code - Decent attire.


Shopping Trip

The traditional Sri Lankan shop, the kade or boutique (a corruption of a Portuguese word), examples are still plentiful in rural areas. The most basic are constructed of wooden boarding, with a windowcounter through which the proprietor conducts business.

Sri Lanka is known for its spices, its colorful textiles, its timeless antiquities and its marvelous jewelry. Walking along the walled fort area you come across some amazing shops and people selling exquisite stuff. While you walk along the main street make a note to step in to Dutch market occupied by fruit stales , flower arcades and just to remember the vegetable market is just a walking distance from there.

Sri Lanka's wide variety of very attractive handicrafts can be found throughout the area in shops, street stalls and government-run stores housing traditional Sri Lankan masks carved from kaduru wood , paintings & batiks with intricate Sri Lankan motifs dyed into the wax-offset fabric. Jewellery fashioned from Sri Lanka's famous gems & moonstones.

Sri Lanka has long been famous for its crafts, particularly lace making and embroidery, much of which is centered on the Galle region in the south of the country. This has traditionally been a lace making area ever since the Portuguese introduced the skill in the 15th century, when royalty and the aristocracy adorned themselves with lace and embroidery as symbols of their wealth and power.

Handlooms with many up to date designs suitable for modern living . These include shirting, saris, sarongs, toys and especially upholstery materials.

Mind boggling collection of antiques at Ambalangoda ( 30 km north of Galle ) which includes sofa sets, bed , cutlery, furnishing table and glassware , masks & handy Crafts. They restore old furniture as well make new one for you. You can have it shipped to any part of the world. The region is where the only place in the world those moonstones mines are found.

Simply it's an amazing Shopping tour even though you don't buy anything.


Whale Watching in Sri Lankan Navy Cruise - Galle

The Sri Lanka Navy's passenger craft "Princess of Lanka" set sail on a new journey at the launching of "Whale watching Project" venture since 30 th January 2011 at port of Galle.

"The Princess of Lanka" passenger vessel played a pivotal role in ferrying thousands of security forces personnel, civilians and goods between Trincomalee, Kankasanthurai ports and Thalai Mannar till the main land supply routes were cleared and restotred after the dawn of peace.

The Passenger craft "Princess of Lanka" utilized for whale watching / sea cruise under the auspices of jet liner nautical enterprise will chart the waters as a recreational cruise ship whilst witnessing the beauty of Sri Lankan territorial waters in indian ocean where passengers will have a rare opportunity of close encounter with the largest living mammals and spinning dolphins with luxury and comfort.


Matara Star Fort

Matara, situated on just 45 KM south of Galle, is an old fort town built on the banks of the Nilwala Ganga, literally the Blue River. Matara was an ancient settlement long before the Portuguese raised a stockade here in the early 16th century. It was the Dutch, though, who erected the present main fort, which cuts off a section of land between the sea and the river. Within the fort lies most of the old town,which still exhibits some fine examples of colonial architecture.

Star Fort - This fort was build by the Dutch during their rule and the original structure is maintained to date. Construction work completed in 1765.The roof of this building paved with cadjan leaves was one time the Engineering office. But today it is converted into a Museum. Later the cadjan roof was replaced with tiles made of clay. This fort becomes historically important for there is another Fort built during the rule of the Dutch. The letters marked VOC on the arch of the entrance to the Star Fort is a name of a company which is written in Dutch language as follows: " vercenigde ostindenche compagne ". This means United Eastern Trading Company. This was constructed by the Governor Redout Van Eat. The year engraved in the badge is 1765.

Old Market - The old market which stands by the side of the main road at Nupe was built around 1775 by the Dutch. It is still being maintained with its pristine structure. Though it had been a market in the past, today it is being used as a cultural center where traditional dances and other art activities take place.

Fort Matara - The Dutch Fort rampart is a spectacular sight for anyone who visit Matara city. Its length is about 50 meters and the height is about 9 meters from the ground. And the width of the rampart is about 2 meters upon which people can walk about. The top of the rampart which is paved with grass is a quite safe place for those who can have a view of the town. Another important building one can see is an old Dutch church built around 1775.

Clock Tower - On the center of the rampart is the clock tower has been built in 1765 by Dutch. Even today it stands as a monument of the Dutch rulers with its same old pristine glory that left by the Dutch who ruled this country for more than a century.


Pinnawala elephant Orphanage

See baby jumbos wondering around their camped foster home or bottle fed and bathed by their human foster fathers at Pinnawela, about 195Km from Galle towards Kandy is the home to some 60 or more elephant orphans. A place you will really enjoy and never forget.

When you walk into the grounds you are greeted by the magical sight of elephants roaming free over grassland fringed with palm and coconut trees. The serene and gentle creatures are happy to be approached and you can actually walk among them without fear of getting squashed, their inquiring trunks reaching out to investigate you in reciprocal curiosity. Handlers are present, but they interfere very little and they seem to be on good terms with the animals, who are each known by name.

It was established 1975 by the Sri Lanka Wildlife department. This 24 acres large elephant orphanage is a also breeding pace for elephants, and it has the greatest herd of elephants in captivity in the world. The orphanage was primarily designed to afford care and protection to the many baby elephants found in the jungle without their mothers. The baby elephants once cared for are released to the wilds when they reach a certain age.

The best time to visit is during the feeding times, when you will have the opportunity of seeing the baby elephants being bottle-fed. Also could accompany the elephants to a river close-by and see the elephants having their daily bath. Bathing time is sharp at 10.00am and 2.00pm. Feeding time is about an hour earlie.


Kottawa Reserve

The most famous piece of undisturbed rainforest in Sri Lanka is the Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve's neighbour Kottawa Rainforest and Arboretum, only 25 Km from Galle. It is much smaller than Sinharaja measuring only 1,800ha in extent. You get a great experience of a rainforest environment under the huge trees forming such a compact canopy above, walking along in a comparative gloom to the bright sunshine many meters above.

You'll see a great variety of plant life, from the fungus on the giant tree trunks, to the mossy, damp leaf- litter hiding lizards and frogs, within a wet zone habitat that these creatures thrive in.

The trees are marked along the pathways so you can identify each one. Butterflies flutter past you and many brightly coloured birds that you can hear twittering in the trees come to lighten the gloom. Many are endemic to Sri Lanka such as the Grey Hornbill (Tockus griseus). As far as mammals go, you may catch glimpses of the Sri Lanka Giant Squirrel (Ratufa macroura) and Purple-faced Leaf Monkey.


Kanneliya Rain Forest

Located in distance 40-45 km from Galle , Kanneliya Rain Forest is the second remnant rain water forest in Sri Lanka covering 18,000 - 20,000 acres. It represents the lowland rain forests in Sri Lanka and some of the trees which are tallest in Sri Lanka such as Dipterocarpus Zelanicus and Diterocarpus Zelanica (Hora) too prevail there.

What is striking about the interior of the forest is that it has a cathedral effect which means that the vast interior is buttressed with the tall trees which compares with the high roof which has the semblance of a cathedral.

The streams which are networked into the Gin Ganga also have over 80% of the endemic freshwater fish in Sri Lanka. Among them are Panchax Werneri (Werners Top Minnow) Lepiti Cephalus Joncklaasi(Spotted Load fish and named after Rodney Jonklaas)


There are also some of the host exotic species of lizards & one of the largest Agamid Lizards (Lyrio Cephalus Scuttatus) and also one of the Iyar headed lizards also are endemic to the Kanneliya Rain Forest. There is also one of the smallest varieties of the lizard species which is Ceratophota Aspera it is very fierce.

There are also the limbless amphibians named as Ichy Ophis , which is a frog looking like a snake. There are the crabs which live in the holes of the trees.

You will be guided in a 2 hour walk in the forest with a resident naturalist in the forest showing the most exclusive hot spots of the nature including the Water Fall braking down in to seven steps making a misty surround & a singing noise that brake the peacefulness of the forest.

On the way back you have the chance of buying the Best Palm Treacle & Juggery from the village , a divine match with vanilla ice cream.